I FOR US                                Avenue des Alouettes 15
********                                1300 Limal


Owner   : Michel Onderbeke
Distr.  : BE - Sonic Rendezvous/Disobedience Distro/
Style   : punk / hardcore / metalcore / emo / indie rock /

IFU     001

        1       Not Cured Yet
        2       Condition Humaine
        3       The Eyes Of A 1000 Cats
        4       Strike Down
IFU     003     DIE OUT                 UNTIL WE DIE OUT                CDEP      .2007

        1       Another Attempt To Open Your Eyes
        2       And Now A Reason For Mass Murder
        3       It's Buried Too Deep No One Can Steal
        4       Weapon Against Their Uselessness
        5       Keep Your Eyes Closed (Darkness Is All Around)
        6       I Know What You Did Last Dinner
        7       These Shameful Days Used To Communicate With A Blade

CD      Eternalis               ER 014          2007    BE
CD      Nothing To Prove        NTP 004         2007    BE
IFU     004     FIRE AT WILL            TODAY IS MINE                   CD        .2007

        1       Less Talk, More Rock                            2:27
        2       Crossed Words                                   3:33
        3       Thick Models                                    5:00
        4       Interlude                                       1:31
        5       The Sound Of Your Silence                       3:04
        6       Selling Out                                     4:26

CD      Nothing To Prove        NTP 003         2007    BE
CD      H2H                     H2H 002         2007    BE
IFU     005     NINE ELEVEN             USE YOUR DISILLUSION            CD        .2009

        1       Dead Already                                    3:20
        2       Kill The Cop In Yourself                        2:23
        3       In Riot, States Killers !                       2:36
        4       Over The Bridge                                 2:26
        5       All Ages                                        1:38
        6       Spread Your Make Up                             2:51
        7       Let Sleeping Dogs Lie                           3:16
        8       Play The Life Slowly                            3:23
        9       From Hell                                       1:58
        10      Enter The Dragon                                3:53

CD      Chorus Of One   CHORUS 008      2007    IT
CD      Guerilla Asso   KYE 018         2007    FR
CD      STS Network     STS 518         2007    FR
CD      Break Out       BX0 003         2009    BE
IFU     006     MELEEH                  HEARTLAND                       CD        .2007

        1       Angstridden                                     3:24
        2       Malign                                          3:09
        3       Where Demons Hunt                               2:50
        4       The Doom                                        4:32
        5       Vittra                                          4:20
        6       Love Is Dead                                    2:28
        7       Calathea                                        5:42
        8       Black Blizzard                                  4:43

CD      Black Star Found. BSF 028       2007    Sweden
CD      IML               IML 008 CD    2008    Russia
IFU     007     ENDZWECK                THE GRAPES OF WRATH             CD        .2008

        1       The Time To Resist
        2       Coercion Of Love
        3       Betrayer
        4       Bitter Smile
        5       Sounds Of Military Boots
        6       For Eternal Disobedience
        7       Lies For The Right
        8       Mirror And Future
        9       Release
        10      Capitalists And Communists
        11      Strange Logic
        12      Armless For Idealism
IFU     008     WHEN WE FALL            WE UNTRUE OUR MINDS             CD        .2008

        1       Restore And Erase - Erase And Restore           1:30
        2       Summer Dying Fast                               2:29
        3       Cold Iron Death - Perish Me If I Defy           2:31
        4       An Act In The Culture                           3:48
        5       No Eyelids Can Make This Picture Fade Away      3:37
        6       Carry My Heart - Carry My Stones                1:30
        7       Killing Anna                                    2:21
        8       End Serenading                                  3:05
        9       Dear Nobody                                     2:50
        10      Sunny Tiny Spirits - Lost And Grand             4:12
IFU     009     THE END OF ALL REASON : FRAGMENTED                      CDEP      .2008

        1       Chariots From The Beyond
        2       Ascending The Throne Once More
        3       Aeons In The Void
        4       Redemption (Chariots From The Beyond Part 2)
        5       Barbara
IFU     010
IFU     011     THE PROCESS             VULTURES OF HUMAN DECAY         CDEP    04.2009

        1       Intro
        2       Politics Of Fear
        3       Avsmak
        4       Vultures Of Human Decay
        5       Follow The Blind
        6       Droger & Sprit

CD      OSK             OSK 061         2009    BE
CD      Ampire          AMP-006         2009    BE
IFU     012     DAGGERS                 DAGGERS                         CDEP      .2008

        1       Understatement Of The Year                      2:02
        2       Sleep                                           2:25
        3       Sharks And Hearts                               3:31
        4       Fucking Empty                                   1:07
        5       Nameless Old Bones                              3:20
        6       Duck Taped Memories                             3:13

CD      Townes          TR 01           2008    BE
IFU     013     DIEOUT!                 ITERATION                       7"        .2009

        A1      Lost Battles
        A2      Hold On To This Moment
        B1      Mr. Sandman Won't Pass Tonight
        B2      My Own Worst Enemy
                (Note : 7" , 300 clear-purple/300 blue copies, all numbered)

7"      Nothing To Prove  NTP 009       2009    BE
IFU     014     WAY DOWN                GHOST PLEASY DIE                7"        .2009

        A1      Intro
        A2      The Happiest Are Not The Richest
        A3      Hearts Run To Stone
        B1      Ghost Please Die
        B2      Rain City
IFU     015     NINE ELEVEN             CITY OF QUARTZ                  LP        .2010
IFU     015     NINE ELEVEN             CITY OF QUARTZ                  CD        .2010

        A1      City Of Quartz                                  2:45
        A2      The New Shame Of Punk To Come                   2:28
        A3      Take To Remake                                  2:45
        A4      Panem Et Circensens                             4:26
        A5      Modern Soap Movie                               2:02
        B1      The Quick And The Dead                          5:46
        B2      White Trash Kids = Redneck Geeks                3:07
        B3      Sen                                             5:04
        B4      In Bed With Madonna                             3:47
        B5      The Story Of Our Life                           4:07

LP.CD   Guerilla Asso           KYE 056         2010
LP.CD   Don't Trust The Hype    DTTH 05         2010
LP.CD   Customcore Records      DRUG 045        2010
IFU     016     TOGETHER                TOGETHER                        7"        .2009
IFU     016     TOGETHER                TOGETHER                        7"+CD     .2009

        A1      Melencolia
        B1      Hearts Of Gold
        B2      Apart
IFU     017     BIRDS IN ROW            RISE OF THE PHOENIX             7"        .2010

        1       The Letter
        2       Die, Testosterone, Die!
        3       Orange Disease
        4       Actus Fidei
                (Note : 7" , 500 copies on clear vinyl)

7"      Vitriol Records         VIT 005         2010
7"      Free Edge Conspiracy    FEC 010         2010
7"      I For Us Records        IFU 017         2010
7"      The Grass Was Never Green TGWNG 0001    2010
7"      Distorted Charly Brown  DCB 003         2010
IFU     018     TRACES OF YOU           THE LAST TRIUMPH                CD        .2009

        1       Something More
        2       Our Fate Is Today
        3       The Flames Begin
        4       Beyond Borders
        5       First Promise
        6       From The Daze
        7       Move Along
        8       Entwined On You
        9       Innercore
        10      Perseverance
        11      Take Me Out

CD      Value Driven            VDR 001         2009    BE
IFU     019     THE PLAGUE              YOU'LL FORGET THE OTHER         CDEP      .2010

        1       Your Life, My TV Show                           4:11
        2       A Song For The Hardcore Kids                    4:29
        3       Interlude                                       2:18
        4       Why Do You Speak With Your Gun?                 3:19
        5       The Other                                       5:38

CD      Don't Trust The Hype    DTTH 07         2010    BE
IFU     020     SOME PEDESTRIANS        BLACKBIRD                       CD        .2010

        1       Miscarriage
        2       Hands Tied
        3       Pray For Rain
        4       Left In Ruins
        5       Eleonore
        6       Mirrorized
        7       Last Call Out To The Deaf
IFU     021
IFU     022     LASTING TRACES/WAY DOWN : LASTING TRACES/WAY DOWN       7"        .2010

        A1      Paying Debts
        A2      The Seccessionist
        B1      What You Have Become
        B2      Our Curse
IFU     023     RENO                    RENO                            7"      04.2010

        A1      Deconstruction
        A2      Candidates Facing Bombs
        B1      A Whole City Is Rising
        B2      Androids Don't Even Dream
                (Note : 7" , 300 copies on white vinyl

7"      Apocaplexy              APO 004         2010    BE
7"      Tanzbaer                TBR 07          2010    BE
IFU     024     FOREVER YOUNG           THE CHANCE                      7"      04.2010

        A 01    Forever Young II                                0:27
        A 02    Keep It Posi                                    0:46
        A 03    Bigger Than Hardcore                            1:12
        B 01    Time Is Running Out                             0:49
        B 02    Sxe Got My Back                                 1:22
        B 03    Every Day Is War                                1:21

7"      Monument                MON 021 2010    Sweden
IFU     025     PRESSURE                WE'RE ALL TO BLANE              CDEP      .2010

        1       We're All To Blame
        2       Life Long Struggle
        3       Irrational Instict
        4       The Other Cheek
        5       You Aren't Dead Yet
        6       The Transition

CD      Align                   AR 01   2010    BE
IFU     026     NO GUTS NO GLORY        HIDDEN IN THE LIGHT             LP        .2010

        A1      Son
        A2      Two Sides
        A3      Shooting Stars
        A4      Zombies Are Pissed
        A5      Hope You Enjoyed The Vacation Trip
        A5      In Becoming
        A6      The Priests
        A7      Father
        B1      If The World Would End
        B2      Anchor
        B3      Until Everything Explodes
        B4      Dry Rivers

LP      Atypical                AR 01           2010
LP      ONI                     OR 01           2010
LP      The Grass Was Never Green TGWNG 0003    2010
CD      Hurry Up                HUP 028         2010    IT
IFU     027     FIRE AT WILL : HOPING FOR THE BEST...EXPECTING THE      CD        .2011

        1       Hoping For The Best...                          1:25
        2       A Broken Contract Of Loyalty                    3:10
        3       Stuck In The Past                               3:19
        4       Drastic Turn                                    3:48
        5       Welcome Drama                                   3:45
        6       New Kind Of Therapy                             3:57
        7       These Days                                      0:44
        8       It's Ok I'm Fine                                3:54
        9       Dancing With The Living Dead                    3:59
        10      Leave The Kids Alone                            3:09
        11      It's Nothing Personal                           4:36
        12      ...Expecting The Worst                          2:04

LP      Chorus Of One           CHORUS 027      2011    IT
CD      Useless Pride           UPR 005         2011    BE
IFU     028     TOGETHER                THE ODYSSEY                     2x7"      .2010
IFU     028     TOGETHER                THE ODYSSEY                     CD        .2010

7"/1    A1      September Nights
        A2      Love.Sinner.Thief
        B1      Blue Ocean
        B2      The Odyssey

7"/2    C1      Thunder And Rain
        D1      Summer Lights

CD      1       September Nights
        2       Lover-Sinner-Thief
        3       Blue Ocean
        4       The Odyssey
        5       Thunder & Rain
        6       Summer Lights

(Note : double 7"/33.3 RPM, numbered, 500 copies on dark-green vinyl)
IFU     029     ONE ETHIC               THE HIVE                        CD        .2010

        1       Intro
        2       I'll Get Rid Of You
        3       Guilty
        4       Drones
        5       Constant Reminder
        6       The Hive
        7       Reigns
        8       Shapeshifters
        9       Outro
IFU     030     RENO                    THE YEAR OF LOVE                LP        .2010
IFU     030     RENO                    THE YEAR OF LOVE                CD        .2010

        A1      Candidates Facing Bombs
        A2      Those Times We Need
        A3      Deconstructions
        A4      Unface The Wall
        A5      Is This A Turning Point Or The End?
        B1      Cold Heart With No Guilt
        B2      A Whole City Is Rising
        B3      Androids Don't Even Dream
        B4      Lion's Heart
        B5      The Year Of Love
        B6      Luce

LP      Sincere                 SNC 001         2010     BE
IFU     031     NINE ELEVEN             LE REVE DE CASSANDRE            12"       .2012

        A1      From Haven To Hell
        A2      Ninth Floor
        A3      Rose Schneiderman
        A4      The Pacific Solution
        A5      Starkweather
        B1      I.nside T.he T.rojanhorse
        B2      Let’s Cross The Acheron
        B3      Revolution Tonight!
        B4      Dance On Your Own Ruins Tomorrow
        B5      Maison Dieu

LP      Guerilla Asso           KYE 096         2012
LP      Don't Trust The Hype    DTTH 24         2012
LP      Bad Mood Records        BMR 034         2012
CD      Effervescence           EF 012          2012    FR
IFU     032     ELIZABETH               WHERE VULTURES LAND             12"       .2012

        A1      Darkness                                        2:26
        A2      The Call                                        2:40
        A3      Sharp Teeth & Knives                            2:15
        A4      Sailor's Grave                                  2:56
        B1      Candles                                         1:40
        B2      Black Eyed                                      3:29
        B3      Heartbeats                                      2:52
        B4      Rising Kingdom                                  1:41
                (Note : LP , 500 copies on clear vinyl + A3 poster)

12"     Throatruiner            THRT 018        2012    FR
IFU     033     TOGETHER                PROLOGUE                        7"      08.2012

        A       Sincerely Yours
        B       Black & Blue
                (Note : 7" , 200 white/100 white-red-black copies)
IFU     034     PAINTED WOLVES          PAINTED WOLVES                  12"       .2013

        A1      The Virgin Dance                                02:53
        A2      Oblivion                                        03:12
        A3      Those Eyes                                      02:04
        B1      Necklace                                        02:43
        B2      Sea Of Demons                                   00:55
        B3      Serve The Serpent                               05:49

12"     Day By Day              DBD 20          2013
12"     Epidemic                ?               2013
12"     Maniyax                 MNYX_10         2013
12"     Wegan Woofpak Weckords  WWW 01          2013

        A1      Intro                                           0:33
        A2      Youth                                           4:47
        A3      To The Beautiful Ones                           2:10
        A4      Generation Y                                    2:10
        A5      Adieux For Now                                  4:22
        A6      The Sharktown Boys Reign                        5:02
        B1      Of Life And Love And SOme Things In Between     1:29
        B2      Friday Night Lights                             3:09
        B3      Time Machine                                    3:36
        B4      Ode To A Moment                                 3:52
        B5      Admission                                       5:01
                (Note : LP , 250 copies on red vinyl)

LP      Viva Love               VLR 002         2013    GE      250 black copies
LP      Sincere                 SNC 003         2013    GE
IFU     036     NO GUTS NO GLORY : YES, WE HAVE PARTYING SKILLS         LP      07.2013

        A1      King Of Hearts                                  2:20
        A2      About Beauty                                    2:25
        A3      All Hail Leo Taxil                              0:36
        A4      Brutal Lesbienne                                1:14
        A5      Riot Girls                                      2:42
        A6      When Sun Shines Bright                          2:15
        A7      Hopefully, It Won't Tear Us Apart               1:37
        B1      When Bedbugs Bite                               2:01
        B2      King Of Spades                                  2:58
        B3      Chat Noir2                                      2:10
        B4      Let The Bees See The Knees                      1:03
        B5      You Cheater!                                    2:03
        B6      No Brain, No Headache                           2:34
        B7      Great Capital, Judeo-Christian Patriarchy, Love
                Letters And Tea                                 2:50

CD      Delete Your Favorite    DYFR 067         2013    FR
IFU     037
IFU     038     THE 101'S               FOR THE YEARS                   LP      03.2014
IFU     038     THE 101'S               FOR THE YEARS                   CD      03.2014

        A1      Not Like You
        A2      Caught Up
        A3      Chances
        A4      No Man's Land
        A5      Out Of Sight
        B1      Mindsets
        B2      The Four Year Story Of A Hot Water Polar Bear In A Red
                City So Far
        B3      Annihilation
        B4      Still Distant
        B5      Edge Of Society
        B6      The Corner

LP.CD   White Russian           WRR 017         2014    NE
LP.CD   No Reason               NRR 044         2014    NE
LP.CD   No Panic!               NPR 022         2014    NE
IFU     039
IFU     040     RAVAGE RITUAL           SOUL EATER                      LP      08.2014

        A1      Enslaved                                        1:35
        A2      Fortress                                        2:34
        A3      Devourer Of Souls                               2:37
        A4      Dwell                                           4:44
        A5      Death Worship                                   2:09
        B1      Blood Lust                                      3:54
        B2      Absent Sun                                      3:03
        B3      Gehenna                                         3:12
        B4      Silence                                         5:29

Press info:     300     black
                100     clear-red with black haze
                100     clear-red
                10      test

LP      Swarm Of Nails          SON.R 47        2014    FI
LP      Sell Your Soul          SYSR #013       2014    FI
IFU     041     BLACK ART : FULL LUNGS|EMPTY WORDS                      CDEP    09.2014
IFU     041     BLACK ART : FULL LUNGS|EMPTY WORDS                      CS      09.2014

        1       Life Stalker
        2       Duress
        3       Hold Fast
        4       The Endurance
        5       Pseudo Sound
        6       Fool's Gold

CD      White Russian           WRR 030         2014
CD      Let Them Die            LTD 007         2014
IFU     042     CALL IT OFF             LOVERS & LIARS                  LP+DLc  02.2015

        A1      Do It All Again
        A2      Dyanne
        A3      The American Lie
        A4      Better Off Dead
        A5      What She Said
        A6      Forget You
        B1      Famous Last Words
        B2      Burning Bridges
        B3      Stuck With You
        B4      I Don't Wanna
        B5      Call Me
        B6      Forward Or Crazy
                (Note : LP , 300 copies on blue vinyl)

LP      White Russian           WRR 033 1       2014
CD      White Russian           WRR 033 2       2014
IFU     043
IFU     044     Electri)noise(Machine   PARDON                          12"     07.2015

        A1      Strombo                                         03:17
        A2      hAnds                                           03:51
        A3      Lights Out !                                    03:59
        B1      You Wear Your Heels Tight                       04:16
        B2      Salt                                            03:03
        B3      The Second Paper                                03:17
                (Note : 12" , 250 copies on white vinyl)

12"     Black Basset            BBR 009         2015    BE
IFU     045     GENERATION 84           LET'S DO THIS                   10"     04.2015

        A1      Trying To Belong
        A2      The Backfire Effect
        A3      Take It To The Floor
        B1      Childish Game
        B2      Production Line

 10"    Thanks But No Thanks    TBNTR 0016      2015
 10"    No Panic!               NPR 037         2015
 10"    Indelirium              IDR 065         2015
IFU     046     SCREW HOUSTON           SCREW HOUSTON                   LP      03.2015

        A1      Forbidden Love
        A2      Chase The Light
        A3      The System
        A4      Stained
        A5      Save Your Breath
        B1      Wait Upon Death
        B2      Hate | Love
        B3      Lights, Camera, Action!
        B4      Heart And Soul
        B5      Together Forever
                (Note : LP , 250 copies on white vinyl)

LP      White Russian           WRR 039         2015
LP      Let Them Die            LTD 008         2015
IFU     047     CROOKED LETTER          BLUEPRINT                       7"      09.2015

        A1      Tourists
        A2      Asleep
        A3      May 21
        A4      Blueprint
                (Note : 7"/33.3 RPm , 1-sided , 300 copies on sea-blue vinyl)

Crooked Letter is a hardcore punk band from Gvle, Sweden.
IFULP   048     GAB DE LA VEGA          NEVER LOOK BACK                 12"     03.2015
IFUCD   048     GAB DE LA VEGA          NEVER LOOK BACK                 CD      03.2015

        A1      Against The Grain                               3:16
        A2      Colors Have Changed                             2:37
        A3      Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind                       2:38
        A4      Like Waves                                      2:24
        A5      Living Through The Words                        3:04
        A6      Empathy                                         3:12
        B7      Dare To Dream                                   2:51
        B8      Anaesthetic                                     3:07
        B9      This World Is Ours                              3:30
        B10     Never Talking To You Again                      1:40
        B11     Never Look Back                                 2:52

After years playing punk and hardcore, Gab starts this solo project, putting The
Smashrooms hardcore punk aside for a while and taking up an acoustic guitar. Minimal
and direct melodies, where the punk three-chords theory meets vaguely folk veins.
Stories of real lives, political practice, criticism and theories, some daily life
glimpse and personal thoughts come along with the warm sound of the acoustic guitar,
soundtrack of a journey, told with self-criticism and self-irony.
IFULP   049     BLACK SHEEP             MOTION PICTURES                 12"     09.2015
IFULP   049     BLACK SHEEP             MOTION PICTURES                 CD      09.2015

        1       All My Friends Are In Trouble                   02:01
        2       A Bedroom For Prison                            02:37
        3       Recovery                                        03:21
        4       Good Intentions                                 00:43
        5       Montreal                                        02:43
        6       Birds                                           02:41
        7       Kids Are Jerks                                  02:31
        8       September                                       02:27
        9       The Constant Fight                              03:15
        10      This House                                      02:32
        11      The Anchor Me                                   03:01

LP      Bearded Punk            BPR 001         2015
LP      Guerilla Asso           KYE 157         2015

Black Sheep is a punk rock band from Belgium that exists for more than 10 years.
"Motion Pictures" is their third album, which shows the band's more melodic side.
IFUCD   050     HANS ROOFTHOOFT/RED CLOUD : SPLIT                       CDEP    01.2016

        1       Hans Roofthooft         Thank You               1:36
        2       Hans Roofthooft         Punkrock Heart          2:03
        3       Hans Roofthooft         Sally                   2:39
        4       Red Cloud               In Spirit               3:17
        5       Red Cloud               Carry On                3:43

CD      Bearded Punk            BPR 005         2016
CD      Morning Wood            MWR-029         2016

Red Cloud (aka Teun from Generation 84 & Break Of Day) partners with his long time
friend Hans (from F.O.D.) to offer us this 5 song EP. 3 acoustic punk rock songs by
Hans, full of great melodies hes known for. Teuns 2 songs are full of surprises.

        A1      Long Is The Road                                2:41
        A2      Sulpiride                                       2:50
        A3      Cold Inside                                     2:53
        A4      Heartsick                                       2:48
        A5      Still Wasted                                    3:06
        A6      Old Dreams, New Wounds                          2:21
        B1      Still My Charms                                 2:44
        B2      How Ya Doin' ?                                  3:17
        B3      Giving Up The Ghost                             2:25
        B4      Guilty Conscience                               3:14
        B5      Misfortune                                      2:30
        B6      Last In First Out                               2:24

Struggling For Reason is a Belgian punk rock band formed in 2007. Over their 10 years
of existence, the band crossed European roads many times to show what Belgian punk
rock is made of. A lot of miles driven, hundreds of nice people met, never tired of
bringing sweat and noise all over Europe. "Last Time For Second Chances" is the band's
brand new 6 songs EP (and first release on vinyl!) with a bonus EP on side B!
IFU     052     NINE ELEVEN             SENTINELS                       LP        .2016

        A1      A Model Of A New Christian Charity
        A2      Nickels And Dimes
        B1      War On Earth, Peace In Mind
        B2      So Long As The Sun Shines, The Grass Grows And The Rivers Flow
        B3      From The Field To The House
        B4      The Shadow Of A Gunman

LP      i.corrupt                       ICR 040         2016
LP      World's Appreciated Kitsch      WAK 057         2016
LP      Trivel Records                  TRIV 008        2016
LP      Epidemic Records                EPID 032        2016
LP      Twenty-Four And Nine            TFAN 001        2016
LP      Emergence                       EMERGENCE 110   2016
LP      Unlock Yourself                 UYR 066         2016
LP      Don't Trust The Hype            DTTH 42         2016
LP      Sieve Sand                      SSR #18         2016
LP      Bad Mood                        BMR 055         2016
LP      Ugly And Proud                  U&P 023         2016
LP      Dingleberry                     DBR 209         2016
LP      Guerilla Asso                   KYE 152         2016
LP      Nine Eleven Conspiracy          NEC 02          2016
LP      Désordre Ordonné                DO.053          2016
LP      Hardcore For The Losers         HC4L 003        2016

"Sentinels" is one 34 minutes epic song, divided into 5 themes! Recorded and mixed by
Amaury Sauv and mastered by New East Alliance Studio (USA), "Sentinels" is a solid
blend of anger, heavy sounds and melody, which is we all love in this band, but there
are also new very interesting ideas and influences, which make this album sound like
none of those released before.
IFU     053     FAKE OFF                BOREAL                          12"     10.2016

        A1      Forest
        A2      Prairie
        A3      Taiga
        B4      Tundra
        B5      Arctic

12"     Backpack                BPR 007         2016
12"     BG Records              BG 009          2016
12"     Dingleberry             DBR 230         2016
12"     Don't Trust The Hype    DTTH 46         2016
12"     Emergence               EMERGENCE 113   2016
12"     Inhumano                INH 043         2016
12"     Koepfen Rec             KPF 028         2016
12"     KROD Records            KRD 009         2016
12"     Lonely Voyage           LVRC 010        2016
IFU     054
IFUCD   055     CORBILLARD              FAUX ET USAGE DE FAUX           CD      03.2017

        1.      L'antidote                                      02:18
        2.      Le fond et les formes                           02:47
        3.      On s'en prend (toujours) plein la gueule        03:14
        4.      Salut bande de nazes                            00:55
        5.      Des pages a noircir                             03:06
        6.      Pacte avec le diable                            03:05
        7.      La violence du ressac                           03:19
        8.      Au pire on meurt                                02:40
        9.      Résurrection                                    02:40
        10.     Schnaps Und Fraülein                            00:44
        11.     Freres d'armes                                  02:31
        12.     Je pipeaute                                     02:10
        13.     Open bar                                        00:19
        14.     Tu brules tes morts                             02:53
        15.     Couler quelques larmes                          03:00

Corbillard was founded at the end of 2009 around four notorious punk rockers who were
playing (or played) in Skarbone 14, Poulycroc, The Skalloggs, Wash Out Test, Skaira
or Struggling For Reason. "Faux et usage de faux" is the band's third full-length
album. On the menu you can find an outer grave, fast, incisive, unrespectful punk
rock, sung in French, with numerous influences from folk and hip hop.









RFD     60      WOLVES SCREAM           VESTIGES                        CD      03.2017